Sex with your husband, is worship unto the Lord
Shout out to the wives who don’t fall for the counterfeit narrative that “sex with their husband is such work and a duty…”
Marital sex is a form of worship unto the Lord, and something to delight in.
There is a whole movement of “delighting in motherhood”, here on social media. Make sure you’re also delighting in your husband and marriage.
There is a counterfeit version of sex that the enemy has sold to many women. It’s all lies, that cause them to begrudgingly go through the motions with their husband, as they believe sex to be dirty, bothersome and of no value.
You grieve the Holy Spirit when you do not delight in the man God has called you to be one with.
Stop this trash narrative of jokes and humor, depicting marital sex as such boredom and a chore, and how tired you are of him “needing” you.
It’s a delight to be desired.
Biblical sex (not the counterfeit) is bursting with pleasure, shameless and one of the most beautiful kinds of worship unto the Lord.
Hey, woman of God…you worship the Lord with beautiful songs. You worship the Lord in your time tucked away with Him and the Word…don’t forget the importance of worshipping the Lord as you delight in being one with your husband. One form of worship is not “more holy” than the other. It’s all worship.
“Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love.”
Proverbs 5: 18-19
…I mean, I really don’t even understand how this garbage narrative of jokes and boredom even came about, because marital sex is🔥…I’m just saying🙃
***and goes without saying, but saying just in case it needs to be spelled out- this is in application for the married folk, only.