Woman of God- Let your purpose be driven by the Word, not the world
The world: “Chase your dreams…”
The woman: “My dream is to be a wife and raise children”
The world: “Ehh…”
The world: “Become a professional- Become a chef, become a teacher, become a personal assistant…in fact, why not shoot for the stars- become a medical Dr!”
The woman: “ I cook for my family, I homeschool my kids, I serve my husband AND I’m pretty proficient in treating my families medical needs through homeopathy…”
The world: “Ehh…”
The world: “pursue your career, those degrees and build a legacy…”
The woman: “I married an amazing man, whose legacy I carry in my womb…”
The world: “Ehh…”
The world contradicts itself greatly…don’t find purpose in who they say you are. Your purpose is rooted in what the WORD says you are. The final, authoritative, Word of God.
In case you need a reminder, woman of God…
You are more precious than jewels…your husband has no lack of gain, because of you… Proverbs 31:10
You are favor for your husband
Proverbs 18:22
You are a crown for your husband
Proverbs 12:4
You are a comforter for your children
Isaiah 66:13
You are a teacher to your children
Proverbs 6:20
You are an example of generational faith for your family.
2 Timothy 1:5
You are a life- bearer
Psalm 139:13
You are diligent and hardworking, both inside the home and outside- all for the glory of the Lord.
Proverbs 31
I am not saying that women should not be educating themselves and even pursuing a degree, if that’s on their heart…but this whole notion of placing more value on the tangible things that we acquire versus recognizing purpose as a woman, who simply living in the call of her Biblical femininity, bothers me.
For example, I’ve heard many a parents (Christian parents at that) tell their daughters “you cannot get married until you finish your college degree…” or “don’t have children until after you get your masters…”. I will NEVER understand that mindset (especially if we are approaching this from a biblical lens). Again, I am all for being diligent in whatever season God has you in…so if you are taking courses in college while waiting on the Lord to allow you to meet a potential spouse- by all means, work hard and be diligent, that is what would be pleasing to the Lord. Character and virtue are developed in that, that I believe carry through to marriage. But if my daughter were to come to me halfway through her college years and say “mom I met an amazing godly man, and I believe he is who I am called to marry…I no longer want to pursue a degree, but pursue marriage and a family…”. I would never view that as a failure. Again, there are so many skills that she would have acquired that she can then use to serve her home and character that she would have built that would help her to be an excellent wife…
Why is it the people place more value on “finishing and acquiring degrees” than they do on marriage and bearing/ raising children? Marriage and family are the foundational building blocks to society and can be used mightily by the Lord- it is Kingdom work.
I will always err on the side of raising up my girls to find purpose according to the Word of God NOT the world.
…and you don’t need anything, other than God’s Word, to remind you of this!