Satan likes attention. Don’t give it to him.

Here’s why I’m not as bothered as others might seem, by the demonic performance that Sam Smith gave over the weekend…

It was Satan on full display for all to see. Any person (discernment or not) could spot that it was dark and demonic from a mile away.

When the enemy shows up as-is, he is easy to mark and avoid. But what about when he shows up as an angel of light?

The preachers who teach a gospel of all love and no holiness…that concerns me.

The premise of loving yourself more than anything- your happiness being above obedience to Christ…that concerns me more.

The false unity that is being pushed that many believers will fall privy too…that concerns me more.

The involvement in “self-care” practices that are occultic and new age, such as yoga, burning sage, emptying your mind, defining yourself by your enneagram…that concerns me more.

The belief that the murder of life is OK so long as it is guised as “women’s health care”…that concerns me more.

When the enemy shows up as “good things” or as an “angel of light”…that’s what concerns me BIG TIME.

We are quite literally living in Biblical end times (there’s many biblical prophesies being fulfilled even now…) The Holy Spirit and discernment is what we need now more than ever before.

If you don’t know Jesus, now is the time to get to know Him friend. Pick up your Bible and read it. Everything you need to know about Him and the times we are in, is written in there.

Sam smiths performance over the weekend, is simply proof of what Scripture says will occur. “In the last time there will be mockers, following after their own ungodly lusts.” Jude 1:18

Expect it to get worse…though the times will get worse and Satan will parade himself around boldly, remain steadfast in the Word of God. Seek discernment. As many fall away because of deception, seek to be part of the remnant for Christ.

“Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” Revelation 2:10

…I also don’t think it’s by chance that his performance is quite literally everywhere right now. The enemy knows what he’s doing, blasting that satanic imagery everywhere, for people to consume with their eyes. I don’t watch any of these awards shows- we even turn the Super Bowl half time show off, in our house. I’m not saying this to sound like “we are so holy”…I’m saying this to remind you that it matters- what you let into your eyes gates AND ear gates, it all matters. Guard them.

Which leads me to another thought…what were “Christian worship bands” doing there? If they truly are FOR God, the light in them would NOT be able to mix with the darkness that was so apparent in that awards ceremony…but y’all aren’t ready for that can of worms, so I’ll just end this here for now.


Sex with your husband, is worship unto the Lord


Men are not the “only ones” called to guard their eyes…