Keeping Kingdom perspective.

It’s so easy to look up and outward, wanting and hoping for the “next best thing”… instead of simply looking upward.

I get it.

I’ve been there many times in the mundane of everyday life and mothering.

But I have learned (many times the hard way) that discontentment breeds disdain which then leads to depression. That is where the enemy would love to keep you – in a place of discontentment and depression.

You cannot look up towards the Father and micro-analyze your own circumstance inwardly at the same time. It’s either you are looking up at Him in servitude of Him. Or inwardly at your own discontentment. One or the other will consume you.

The enemy knows your call can be crippled when he throws thoughts of discontentment at you, and you believe those thoughts to be truth. Can I encourage you NOT to get consumed by those lies?

The call within your home – to serve your husband, to teach your children, to steward and take care of what He has blessed you with – it all requires strength from the Lord. Strength that can only come from looking upward to Him… in servitude and gratitude.

The enemy knows that if he keeps you from showing up in the day to day “mundane” of mothering and marriage, the Kingdom work that is built brick by brick, day in and day out can be thwarted.

Don’t be discouraged sister… I’ve been there.

But there is great purpose in showing up for the little “brick by brick” things everyday.

Where you are right now, the Lord has planted you for such a time as this!

If you feel loneliness – serve your family diligently all while praying for community.

If you feel called to another city, state or country – serve your family diligently while seeking direction and clarity from the Lord.

If you feel as though your marriage is trained right now – serve your husband joyfully, all while fasting and praying for breakthrough.

My point is – there could be “other things” that the Lord may be calling you to but that would never detract from the purpose of what He has set right before you. If those thoughts of discontentment are beginning to consume you, recognize that those are from the father of lies – NOT the Lord. Cast those thoughts where they belong and look upward – always keeping Kingdom perspective (not your feelings) as a rock-solid foundation.

I’m preaching to myself here…

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3


Rejection through a Kingdom lens


Be his helpmate.