False revival?

Here’s why I did not “jump on the Asbury revival bandwagon, from day…”

No one should have.

If there is one thing I’d want y’all to remember from what I share is…”test everything” before accepting it as “of God”.

What does that mean? It means if it is not overtly unbiblical (and even if something seems biblical) give it time, before drawing conclusions. Pray about it and wait to see the fruit…

From the very start when I saw this “revival” going viral and hitting mainstream media, in a positive light, I raised an eyebrow…Not because I’m a pessimist, but because I know what Scripture tells me to expect in these days, and it is NOT celebration by this world. But before concluding any definitive thoughts on it all, I took it to the Lord in prayer and asked Him to bring clarity.

Tweets like this have now started to surface…

In direct answer to the tweet- yes, of course gay people are worthy of love, dignity and care…just as the person who is sleeping around, just as the liar, just as the gossiper…one sin is not greater than the other. Sin is sin. We are ALL called to love the person but hate the sin. True love, would not allow a person to continue on in their sin without speaking truth in love and not only that- but place them in a position of leadership; to lead God’s people into holy worship of the one, true God! Do you know the kinds of spiritual attacks we would be opening a person up to, who is leading in that capacity all while living in unrepentant sin? The consequences would be grave…We are ALL sinners and ALL fall short of the glory of God- the only difference between me and this professing “gay Christian”- is I have chosen to accept the grace that God has so graciously granted me and because of that I can live set-free, in forgiveness of any and all bondage to sin. I know I am vile, and fall short of His glory every single day…but for the grace of God go I…

The Asbury revival is a counterfeit revival. You cannot lead with unrepentant sin and expect a Holy, just God to move. His light cannot mix with darkness. I am sure there were “feel good moments” that does not mean the Holy Spirit was at work, that just means you felt good.

Test everything. Give things time to produce FRUIT. Good fruit that line up with the Word of God.


Great sex requires holiness


Test every spirit