Considering yourself a “spiritual person” does not mean the Holy Spirit has filled you…

Considering yourself a “spiritual person” does not equate being filled with the Holy Spirit.

It’s such a common phrase, that people default too…

You can be a “spiritual person” and be in full throttle new age

You can be a “spiritual person” and be deep into satanism

There are many spirits unleashed on this earth guys…the ONLY one that draws you closer to Jesus, is the HOLY SPIRIT.

The Holy Spirit is who gives you discernment. Who convicts you when you are in error. Who gives you the strength to walk the narrow path in obedience to Christ.

Please do not fall down the trap of deception and false security, thinking that you are saved, because you are a “spiritual person”. That phrase is void and empty if your “spirituality” is not rooted in the Holy Spirit and living in obedience to the Word of God.

Got lotssss of comments (mostly on TikTok) on my recent post about the marine kingdom and movies. Many people were saying that they consider themselves “spiritual” and picked up nothing wrong with those films at all. To that I say…which spirit is guiding you? Because the Holy Spirit would never “Ok” occultism and witchcraft.

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

1 John 4:1


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