He sees the unseen details of your day- He is with you
He’s in the details…You know, those mundane things that we do, day in and day out to take care of our families? He’s there…
I know it can feel overwhelming, and quite frankly like you’re drowning when the laundry is piled up, when you just finished a sink full of dishes and here comes more… When you sweep the same kitchen floor, every. single. day…When it feels like you just made breakfast, you blink and now it’s time for lunch, you blink again and it’s time to serve dinner…but can I tell you what encouraged me greatly while reading Leviticus? (Yes, Leviticus of all books) lol
As you read through it, you see God enjoying the details…instructing the Israelites in detail on what to do and how to do it. Many times you see Him saying “He enjoys the aroma of the Israelites food offering”…something as simple as a smell, can please Him. He’s in the details, Mama.
Be encouraged…when you take the time to serve your family around the dinner table- He’s there. Each day you wake up and do the daily mundane things, like laundry and sweeping, and dishes- He’s there. When you take the time to make the house smell lovely and feel cozy- He’s there. When you cut the crust off your toddlers pb&j, just to make them smile- He’s there. He’s in the everyday. He’s in the details. He’s in the mundane…
He is pleased with you, Mama. Your work is kingdom work. Don’t let the enemy fill your mind with doubt, questioning your worth, and whether what you do matters…it does. You matter. The sacrificial life that you have chosen, in Motherhood, does not go unnoticed by Him and He delights in what you do everyday.